In this episode of the Rugby Bricks Podcast, we have a bit of a change of pace where I run through chapters that teach you how I create goals, how I look at projects and how you can apply this to yourself and your footy season this year. 

This episode is a 12-minute tactical look on how to make this your best season yet. I cover:

  • How to create goals that work for you and your season

  • How to create projects that you can execute on with measurable outcomes

  • Lessons from my best coaches and athletes I've worked with and how I use this for my planning

  • How I use a workbook and the exact way I write in this to help me get where I need to go 

This is our most tactical and instructional podcast yet and only takes 12 minutes to digest. If you want to nail your upcoming year as an athlete and as an individual this episode will set you on the right track for the year. 

Get stuck in, outwork and outlearn. 

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. 


Today's episode is bought to you by the team here at Rugby Bricks, we're donating one dollar to every download of this episode to the Australian Bush Fires so if you're wanting to make an impact and donate in your own way just give this episode a listen. 



(0:52) Chapter One: Goal Setting


(1:41) Connor McGregor, Irish MMA Fighter

  • Quote (From Connor McGregor: Notorious, 2017)


(1:59) Chapter Two: Have Goals


(2:40) Justin Timberlake, What Goes Around Comes Around


(3:28) Chapter Three: Let’s Start a Project


(3:34) Projects vs Goals - The Danger of Confusing Them


(4:45) Chapter Four: Become Obsessed


(5:04) Kobe Bryant, NBA Legend, Examples of his Work Ethic


(5:22) Chapter Five: Focus on the Project, Not the Result


(5:33) South Africa’s World Cup Triumph - The Story and the Implications 

(6:14) Aaron Smith, All Black


(6:18) Chapter Six: How do we Set Up a Project?


Step One - Find an Empty Book 

Step Two - My Project for the Next Three Months is ____

      And this is how I’m Going to Measure it.

Step Three: What does the Person Working on this Project Look Like?


(7:10) Dan Carter, Jonny Wilkinson, Percy Montgomery - Iconic Rugby Players

(8:14) 10 Pillars of Rugby Bricks Program

(9:31) Steve Jobs - The Value of Talking to Other People, Quote


(11:04) Chapter Seven: Actions